How to Write an Expository Essay, write an expository essay.

Write an expository essay

As you already know, an expository essay should consist of five paragraphs:

  • Topic sentence clearly defining the main point: Isolation caused by gaming addiction can grow into actual social phobia

    Now, when you have a clear understanding of the key terms, know the basic structure, and the purpose of this work, you may wonder how to write an expository essay.

    What is expository writing? Why is it so complicated? And how can you write an A-level paper with ease? In this article you are going to find answers to all of these, and many other, common questions, as well as find a step-by-step guide for creating a flawless essay.

    The 5-Step Process for Expository Writing

    Write an expository essay

    While editing, you need to focus on grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It is always a good idea to use grammar checking tools to ease the process and save some time. However, do not rely on such software heavily, as a machine still won’t be able to assess the quality of a text as well as a human can. Some of its suggestions may be incorrect and it may not be able to detect all gaps and errors.

    A topic can investigate pretty much anything from history to space or technology. Just find whatever engages you and go for it. To give you a little kickstart, we’ve collected a list of top 10 relevant ideas for a good expository essay:

    The first phase of the writing process involves brainstorming for ideas and choosing a topic. In most cases, you will be provided with some essay prompts and instructions. Carefully read them to make sure you are on the same page with your teacher. Then, when you have a good idea of what you are expected to do, you can start searching for a perfect topic.
    A good topic for an expository essay should not be too broad or narrow.

    Write an expository essay

    As with any other piece of writing, an expository essay should start with the introductory paragraph. Keep it short (3-5 sentences) but informative. In the first sentence, try to present the problem to the readers in an interesting way. This would be your hook. You should then write general information about the topic, mention why this issue is relevant, and outline the context in which you plan to discuss the problem. This part must be engaging and compelling for the audience to become interested in your piece. Keep in mind that the introduction lays the foundation for the further development of your argument.В

    A problem and solution expository essay raises a relevant issue and analyzes it from different points of view. Having presented the problem, you need to develop a possible solution. For example, you can discuss:

    Before you start writing your expository essay, you need to select a topic and brainstorm ideas and possible arguments. If it is your school or college assignment, most probably you already have particular guidelines. Read what your teacher or professor wants you to do and see what ideas you can come up with regarding the topic. Note them down. Make sure that you can fully cover the topic within the required word count limits. For this reason, do not choose the subject matter that is too broad or too narrow. In addition, the topic must be relevant not only to society in general but also to you personally.

    A successful writing process requires thoughtful preparation and planning. If you don’t have time for that, you can always buy an essay online from our service. But if you do decide to write it yourself, divide your work into five following stages.

    Expository Essay Outline

    Write an expository essay

    This type of expository essay explains how to get something to work. It guides the reader through the stages of a certain process. Process essays usually include the descriptions of steps and directions for the reader to follow. These can be technical instructions or recipes, for example:В

    • “What is Friendship?”
    • “What does Being Tolerant Mean?”

    This is a standard way to approach this type of paper, but you can add alterations if the task requires it. Do not neglect to structure your essay as it allows you to organize your thoughts and present clear arguments to the reader.В

    Students will typically encounter many different types of expository essay prompts throughout their school careers—from primary school to high school to the college/university level. In general, these prompts help students to get started writing an expository essay, and they may be inspirational in nature. They have a more focused purpose, too, requiring students to research and explain a specific topic to meet an educational objective.

    Write an expository essay

    The invention of the printing press was important not only in terms of its immediate cultural and economic effects, but also in terms of its major impact on politics and religion across Europe. In the century following the invention of the printing press, the relatively stationary intellectual atmosphere of the Middle Ages gave way to the social upheavals of the Reformation and the Renaissance. A single technological innovation had contributed to the total reshaping of the continent.

    In school and university, you might have to write expository essays as in-class exercises, exam questions, or coursework assignments.

    You’ll usually be given guidelines regarding length

    Expository essays are often assigned as a writing exercise or as part of an exam, in which case a five-paragraph essay of around 800 words may be appropriate.

    Writing the body paragraphs

    Expository essays are usually short assignments intended to test your composition skills or your understanding of a subject. They tend to involve less research and original arguments than argumentative essays.

    It’s important to make sure each paragraph covers its own clearly defined topic, introduced with a topic sentence. Different topics (all related to the overall subject matter of the essay) should be presented in a logical order, with clear transitions between paragraphs.

    Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a conclusion works.

    Hover over different parts of the example paragraph below to see how a body paragraph is constructed.

    Write an expository essay

    Sadly, outlining is considered as unnecessary by many students. While some of them merely enumerate the parts of the essay in their so-called outlines, others just skip it. As a result, their papers are unstructured and often pointless. Besides, writing them takes plenty of time. An experienced essay writer will never neglect the outline, as it has been proven to be one of the most potent tools in writing anything. An expository essay outline presupposes a clear structure, which is not hard to embody.

    3. The Conclusion

    • Restating the thesis. You should paraphrase your thesis not to repeat it word for word. You can't change its central idea, of course. But you can add some perspective based on the arguments used in your essay.
    • The final words. This classic part of essay writing is challenging to diversify in the expository essay. In other essay types, you can provide the final impression on your reader using a rhetorical question or presumptions about the future. In an expository essay, you can only draw a ‘dry' conclusion from everything said above. Make it strong.

    • You can define expository essay and know what is expected from you

      1. The Introduction

      • The thesis statement. It has to be clear and uncontroversial.
      • The hook. In case of an expository essay, starting with a joke, for example, is not the best choice. You can choose an exciting fact or unexpected stats to interest your readers.

      Choose the Right Sources

      • Short forms and colloquial language

        Just like any other type of academic writing, these essays require reliable sources. Don't use any free encyclopedias, blogs, and forums. They are only allowed in the very first stages of your research when you are trying to understand what your topic is about and how you can present it. Besides, you can only use them for the insight into the subject matter, and you can't cite them, even if you could imagine what an impression it would make on your teacher! If a student uses someone's superficial judgments (which are, in most cases, contained in blogs and, sometimes, even in Wiki) to create something ‘unprejudiced,' he or she hardly understands the expository essay definition and its aims.

        • A topic sentence.
        • The main arguments. They are not necessary for your outline, but thinking about them now will save you lots of time later.
        • A transition sentence. These are written in your expository essay and indicated in the outline to make your essay smooth and coherent.
        • Paragraph #2
        • A topic sentence. Mind that topic sentences are not connected with each other. They can in no way result from each other either. These are independent statements contributing to exploring the subject matter of your expository essay.
        • The main arguments.
        • A transition sentence.
        • Paragraph #3
        • A topic sentence.
        • The main arguments.

        Write an expository essay

        Comparison: Compare and contrast life in Australia with life in America. Compare and contrast your own upbringing with that of your parents. Compare and contrast your high school with a high school in the UK.

        As you think about your topic, consider making a graphic organizer to get your thoughts in order. This can be as simple as a brainstorming session with yourself, a concept map, or a Venn diagram, all the way up to extremely detailed statistical maps with studies you’ve carried out yourself.

        The most important part of your introduction, and indeed of your whole paper, is the thesis statement, or statement of purpose. This informs the reader of what the ultimate point of your essay is talking about. Remember, your statement needs to be unbiased and neutral for the expository essay

        Cause and effect: Why did Savage Garden break up? Why did Donald Trump win the American presidency?

        The purpose of expository essays

        Now at last we’re getting into the analytical meat of the expository essay. Here’s where you set out your carefully-outlined points and present your evidence. Each main point should be followed by the factual evidence supporting that point in the same paragraph. This is where having written and formatted a full outline comes in handy.

        Problem and Solution: How do you solve climate change? How do you improve your college grades?

        When considering how to structure an expository essay, you may wish to take out a pen and paper and do an outline straight off the bat. This will help to keep you on the right path and give you a template that will show you how to start.


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