150 Top Sociology Research Topics, how to write a sociology research paper.

How to write a sociology research paper

Social science topics are those that deal with the scientific research into the human society and social relationships. Major disciplines falling into this category are Economics, Geography, History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Politics, Law, Linguistics, Psychology, and Sociology.

The difficulty of choice is becoming more severe within the streaming growth of data scopes.

While it is possible to choose your methodology based on your course specifics, it is still recommended to follow one of seven research methods of sociology. These methods involve not only the purpose statement but also structure, composition, and the research methods. Starting from the use of specific surveys to the general observation, you should implement your methodology as justification for your exploration and analysis.

Some good research topics in sociology deal with the institution of family and the changes it underwent throughout history up to now, social media and its impact on individuals and society, sociology of gender including that of sexual minorities, social movements and groups, social stereotypes.

Tips on How to Choose a Good Topic for Sociology Research

By contrast, topics in sociology are more narrowly focused – they normally deal with the study of the structure, development, and functioning of human society, including social relationships, various social institutions and interactions between them.

Sociology includes a systematic plan for gathering and analyzing observations about the world. Determine the field that you find exciting. Finding problematic questions is the next step. The last research paper step is determining that there is enough literature on specific topic. Defining the field and unsettled questions will give you an idea of what to start with and how to work on research.

  1. Think over good ideas as you research your sociology research paper topics.
  2. Choose only something that inspires you.
  3. Address relevant social issues.
  4. Compose a list of keywords that relate to your topic idea.
  5. Think over relevant sources as you compose your thesis statement.
  6. Always narrow your topic down to reflect the precise problem.
  7. Identify sociology research methodology for your paper.
  8. Provide not only your opinion but the counter-arguments as well.
  9. Remember to compose your Bibliography in advance as you encounter each useful source.
  10. Always make your topic's wording related to your thesis statement.

How to write a sociology research paper

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Make an educated guess about what your results will be. Your hypothesis is an assumption made from your own knowledge or common sense. Be as specific as you can, as it will make your conclusions more definitive. For example: instead of saying "I believe smoking wastes productive time through smoke breaks," make an assumption at how many hours will be lost.

The hypothesis is the basis for scientific inquiry. A hypothesis is like a thesis statement, in that it is a summation of the focus and purpose of your research. Sociology, like other social sciences that study the complex workings of society, produces findings that are open to interpretation, often expressed as statistics. By forming a strong hypothesis, the reader will know what to look for in your collected data.

Look at some aspect of society and find something that interests you. For instance, if you are a smoker or know someone who smokes, look into the impact of smoking on society.

The Difference Between Physical Science & Social Science

How to write a sociology research paper

Narrow your focus to something specific. What aspect of society would smoking affect? For example: How many hours in a week are lost to smoking breaks?

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How to write a sociology research paper

Write the title beginning each word with capital letter and center-align it. Then write your name, your course, your instructor’s name and then submission date.

Well, there is no doubt that in the course of sociology, writing sociology term papers is the toughest part. Sociology is a huge subject and you need to be too attentive and careful when you choose sociology term papers topic. Usually students don’t get the idea how huge the sociology term papers topic is and later they face troubles and fail to manage submitting their sociology term paper on the submission date. Sociology term paper is surely a gigantic area to write a term paper on. So select the area of study first of all to write your sociology term paper. This article aims to explain you all the ins and outs of writing a great sociology term paper.

Use in-text citation properly if you have quoted some text from book, journal or any other source.

Appendices are the list of complete information of the survey forms, maps, graphs, figures, statistics, questioners, charts, etc. you used in your sociology term paper. They are not included in actual word count of your sociology term paper.

Sociology Term Paper

How to write a sociology research paper

  • A brief explanation of the problem
  • Aim of your term paper
  • What questions will be answered in the term paper
  • A brief outline of current research
  • Relevance of the term paper topic
  • The research process

In the bibliography of your sociology term paper, you have to list all the information sources in a required citation style.

There is a list of sociology topics which will help you get sociology term paper ideas or you can also select any of the following topics as your next sociology term paper.

How to write a sociology research paper

Footnotes and endnotes come into play when you need to expand the text, add or explain information from the table, or cite materials with limited access.

There are three levels of subheadings. Subheadings in ASA formatting are always left-aligned and are never written in the bold letters. Note that the editing style of the following subheadings correspond with the way they should appear in the text:

The abstract appears on a separate page between the title page and the beginning of the essay. It usually contains about 150-200 words. If an abstract page is included, it often lists several keywords that help identify the essay’s main points of study.

The ASA citation format is similar to APA when it comes to in-text citations and they are used when presenting information from any source. The general rule for American Sociological Association citations is to state the last name of the author and the initial publishing date of the referenced material. Here are some in-text citation examples:

Footnotes and Endnotes

How to write a sociology research paper

ASA citation style bears a close resemblance to the widely used APA style. The biggest similarity is that both styles use parenthetical references. These appear at the end of the paper in the “References” section. MLA style papers, for instance, call that section “Works Cited” and format it in a different way. Another noticeable feature of the ASA citation format is its emphasis on the date. It always follows the author’s name.

Endnotes are more likely than footnotes to be used. It is better to choose whether you will be using endnotes or footnotes in your ASA format paper and then use one or the other consistently throughout the paper. Each entry should not exceed 100 words. They are usually placed at the bottom of the page that the reference is on.

How to Cite E-Books:
Author [Last, First]. Year of Publication. Title (italicized). Place of Publishing: Publisher. Retrieved Month Day, Year .

  • For two, write both their surnames, followed by the year of publication.

How to write a sociology research paper

  • Appendices (if needed): If you need some useful information able to add value to your research, you are welcome to include it in the appendices. These can be pieces of information that can’t be provided in the main body because of their too large size

The correct structure of a paper is a backbone, which is not less important than the brilliantly crafted paper’s content. Even the great content of your research won’t be evaluated as highly if it is not organized properly or in case some structural elements are missing. Here, you will find effective tips on how to structure your paper following the outline below:

Bear in mind that the ready paper should be formatted the right way. There is one stumbling block: there is more than one formatting style that will suit your research. If you want to meet the expectations of your teacher, you are recommended to ask him/her which writing format you are supposed to stick to.

  • Methodology: Describing the methods you have used to conduct research in the social sciences is an inevitable part. Analyze them and explain how each of them was helpful, which one turned out to be helpful the most

15 Topics for a Social Science Research Paper

The key to successful research paper writing in the social sciences is crafting a detailed paper outline. Some students ignore this step and fail to organize their thoughts the right way. A well-written detailed outline of social science research paper is intended to guide you through the process of paper writing for you not to miss anything important. If you don’t have any creative ideas, you can always find a reliable writing service and ask experts to brainstorm original ideas for the effective experiment.

  • Personality as the main subject of social relations
  • The family is the most important social institution
  • The main problems in the modern society: alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking
  • Sociology of labor: personnel management and organization of labor processes.
  • The attitude of the modern society to religion
  • Xenophobia in the modern world
  • Problems of female discrimination
  • The theory of social inequality
  • Poverty and unemployment as social phenomena
  • The growth of crime in the modern world
  • Building a career in the modern society
  • Programs of sociological research
  • The impact of scientific and technological progress on the development of a society
  • Information lifestyle of a person in the XXI century
  • Social norms of behavior in a primitive and modern society

  • Conclusion: The final part of a research work should contain the brief summary of the results. Make it clear for the reader how your findings can be helpful for other researchers who will conduct the further investigation of the same topic

  • Findings (or results): Any research paper includes a special section that is devoted to the findings, or as they are also called the results of the research. This is where you are expected to provide a description of the results you’ve got without any explanations

How to write a sociology research paper

  • Methodology: Describing the methods you have used to conduct research in the social sciences is an inevitable part. Analyze them and explain how each of them was helpful, which one turned out to be helpful the most

  • Discussion: The discussion section of a research paper should include the high-quality interpretation of the findings. Assure that your explanations are clear and concise. If the readers still have questions, this means you haven’t done a good job

The key to successful research paper writing in the social sciences is crafting a detailed paper outline. Some students ignore this step and fail to organize their thoughts the right way. A well-written detailed outline of social science research paper is intended to guide you through the process of paper writing for you not to miss anything important. If you don’t have any creative ideas, you can always find a reliable writing service and ask experts to brainstorm original ideas for the effective experiment.

Before you get started with your social science abstract, you should learn more about the must-steps that will lead you to the desired A-grade for the well-researched work. Compared to ordinary essays, social science writing requires a lot of time, efforts, concentration, and the knowledge of the right paper structure. In order for you to be prepared, your teacher may provide you with a good social science research paper sample, or recommend you to look for an example on your own.

15 Topics for a Social Science Research Paper

  • Personality as the main subject of social relations
  • The family is the most important social institution
  • The main problems in the modern society: alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking
  • Sociology of labor: personnel management and organization of labor processes.
  • The attitude of the modern society to religion
  • Xenophobia in the modern world
  • Problems of female discrimination
  • The theory of social inequality
  • Poverty and unemployment as social phenomena
  • The growth of crime in the modern world
  • Building a career in the modern society
  • Programs of sociological research
  • The impact of scientific and technological progress on the development of a society
  • Information lifestyle of a person in the XXI century
  • Social norms of behavior in a primitive and modern society

  • Appendices (if needed): If you need some useful information able to add value to your research, you are welcome to include it in the appendices. These can be pieces of information that can’t be provided in the main body because of their too large size

  • Findings (or results): Any research paper includes a special section that is devoted to the findings, or as they are also called the results of the research. This is where you are expected to provide a description of the results you’ve got without any explanations

  • Introduction: Like any other academic paper, a research paper in the social sciences should have a bright and interesting introduction able to hook the reader. Start with the fact, which isn’t well-known for the public, provide some statistics, or ask the arguable question


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