How to write an annotated bibliography, how to make a bibliography in mla format.

How to make a bibliography in mla format

The annotation should be indented, double-spaced, and left-aligned. The first line of any additional paragraphs should be indented an additional time.

For example, the following annotation describes, and evaluates the effectiveness of, a book about the history of philosophy.

The annotation below assesses the usefulness of a particular article for the author’s own research in the field of media studies.

The reference entry itself should have a hanging indent. The annotation follows on the next line, and the whole annotation should be indented to match the hanging indent.


How to make a bibliography in mla format

APA Style examples are shown below for the different types of annotation: descriptive, evaluative, and reflective.

An annotated bibliography can fulfill various purposes, from simply describing the sources to evaluating them and describing their importance for your own research.

A reflective annotation is similar to an evaluative one, but it focuses on evaluating the source’s usefulness or relevance to your own research.

Rieger, A. (2019). Doing business and increasing emissions? An exploratory analysis of the impact of business regulation on CO2 emissions. Human Ecology Review, 25(1), 69–86.

How to make a bibliography in mla format

You start the URL without adding the HTTP or HTTPS part. Full stop after the link.

Start by adding the “e-book” part to the usual template that you have, which includes your author, book title, the container itself, and any publishing information. If you have any editors or translators, they must be included exactly in the same way as you would do for a physical source. For example:

If you already know that your source relates to some device or a particular edition that is available online or can be sourced at the library, just replace the usual “e-book” part with the medium or service by adding the “ed.” part, which stands for “edition”

The answer is simple: it is completely free and saves you time! Here are some other reasons why using our free MLA citation generator for ebooks or any other sources works wonders:

Multiple authors case

Create, edit, and download the full reference list for your paper. You can also change a citation style for all your sources at once.

Are you sure you you want to delete all the citations in this list?

Your in-text citation for electronic sources MLA will look this way:

The Modern Language Association or MLA style format makes it rather simple for referencing. One must remember that when you include an actual ebook, it will always stand for those publications or a digital content that has been made ready for any kind of device (usually a Kindle or some other e-reader ) that will help you open and read the source. In practice, if you have used a certain device to reference your e-book, this type should be specified. Since these will not have an URL or a relevant DOI number, you must specify the digital medium (or the library) and some publisher’s information.

How to make a bibliography in mla format

Last, First. “Article Name.” Newspaper Name, Day Month Year, URL. Accessed Day Month Year.

“On the first contact the bones of the girl seemed to become disjointed with a disorderly crunch like the sound of a box of dominoes” (Marquez 33).

Sarandon, Chris, actor. The Princess Bride, Act III Communications, 1987.

-For multiple authors, how you cite them depends on the number of authors. For two authors include both of their last names in the citation and join them with the word “and” not a “&”. For more than three authors, list only the first author’s last name then use the phrase et al. Examples: (Smith and Jones 45), (Smith et al. 45).

General Guidelines for MLA Parenthetical Citation

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. 100 Years of Solitude. Translated by Gregory Rabassa, 1970, Harper Collins, 2003.

Wright, Robin, actor. The Princess Bride, Act III Communications, 1987.

Kovan, Martin. “Capital Punishment: A Buddhist Critique. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 24. Accessed 19 May 2017.

Reiner, Rob, director. The Princess Bride, Act III Communications, 1987.

How to make a bibliography in mla format

However, to highlight the role of various people, you might but a producer, director, or actor as the first person in your works cited. Those examples would look like:

Parenthetical citation is a way of providing a short reference to the source used when citing to material that is referenced, either by a direct quotation or an indirect reference. Parenthetical citations can contain all of the reference material within the parenthesis or they can use signal phrases, which may contain some of the information. How to properly use a parenthetical citation depends on the guidelines for the particular writing style you are using. This guide will cover parenthetical citations for both MLA and APA.

Volume, Number, Publisher, Publication Date, Pages or Paragraphs, URL or doi, Accessed Day Month Year.

Sarandon, Chris, actor. The Princess Bride, Act III Communications, 1987.

MLA Parenthetical Citation Examples

Yardimci, Veysi and Aytul Yardimci. “An Unusual First Manifestation of Hodgkin Lymphoma: Epitrochlear Lymph Node Involvement- A Case Report and Brief Review of Literature. Journal of Investigative Medicine: High Impact Case Reports, 5, 2, 10.1177/2324709617706709. Accessed 19 May 2017.

Randy Rainbow uses political satire to make a point, singing, “Someday they’ll find it, the Russia connection,”, to the tune of The Rainbow Connection song made popular by the Muppets (“The Russia Connection” 00:02:54-00:03:00).

Patinkin, Mandy, actor. The Princess Bride, Act III Communications, 1987.

Translated or edited books can become a little challenging in your works cited. Usually, you want to focus on the author. However, there may be a reason that you want to focus on the translator or editor. In those instances, you will focus on the translator or editor first, but indicate that they are not the author. Our example involves a translator. It also involves a republication, which is why it has two dates.

How to make a bibliography in mla format

Citation_1 [include your excerpted text] (Author_1 and Author_2 page-number)

“Excerpts from the published work” (Name of the government or corporate entity page-number).

If source does not have any author, the idea is to include the title of the work, at the end, in the parentheses. There is allowance for shortening the title in case it is too long.

  • The included text is written in a paragraph, separated from the actual body of the project
  • As there is 1-inch margin for the entire paper, you have to format the long quote in a 1½ – inch margin
  • Exclude quotation marks while writing block quotes as it is already visible to the reader because of its separate paragraph

What Are They?

How to make a bibliography in mla format

If the work to be cited contains various chapters by multiple authors, it is better to mention the editor’s name rather than citing the entire copy author by author.

Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Newspaper Name Day Month Year, edition:Page numbers.

Last name, First name Middle name initial. “Title of the chapter.” Book Title. Ed.

  • for Department
  • for Government
  • for Corporation
  • for Company
  • US for united States
  • Edited Books:


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