Early Drawing and Writing Play for Crayon-Eaters and Paper-Rippers, writing and drawing paper.

So today, I'd like to share some of my favorite early writing toys for babies and toddlers.

Early Drawing and Writing Play for Crayon-Eaters and Paper-Rippers

Have you ever had to fill out a developmental screening checklist at a well-child check-up? You know, the ones that ask if your baby is babbling and banging two toys together?

For parents these simple sheets of paper clinging to a clipboard can be no big deal, but they can just as easily stir up nerves, worry, guilt and defensiveness. I will never forget my best friend calling me years ago frantic, asking, "Am I a terrible mother because I haven't even noticed if he transfers toys from one hand to the other. " (My answer was NO.)

Well, friends, I'm here to give you a heads up on a question that might surprise you on the 1 year developmental screening tools. You may be asked if your little one is scribbling yet. Like with a crayon and paper. WHAT. You mean a 12 month old is supposed to be doing anything other than eating crayons and ripping paper? I know, it can be shocking. And you're certainly not a bad parent for keeping your baby at a healthy distance from anything that could be used to destroy your furniture, poke an eye or be ingested.

So today, I'd like to share some of my favorite early writing toys for babies and toddlers.

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