
MLA Sample Pages, sample of a bibliography page.

Sample of a bibliography page

Place your name about 2 inches below the title, as well as the names of any group members you may have.

  • Order of information is author, title, publisher, volume, date, page numbers, access date.
  • If there is more than one author, the first author name is written Last, First name. The subsequent author names are written First name Last name.
  • Book titles are italicized

    3. Once you have a complete list, you will format so that you have hanging indents. To do this: highlight the entries, then go to FORMAT and PARAGRAPH. Somewhere in the menu (normally under SPECIAL), find the term HANGING and select it.

    When writing a paper according to the Modern Language Association (MLA) style, sample pages can help you stay on track. While your own teachers’ preferences may vary, MLA is the basic form that most teachers use.

    Alternate First Page

    Sample of a bibliography page

    2. Add a space, and start typing the information for your first source starting one inch from the left. Use double spacing the entire page. Alphabetize the works by the author, using the last name. If there is no author or editor mentioned, use the title for first words and alphabetizing.

    The outline follows the title page. The MLA outline should include the small letter "i" as a page number. This page will precede the first page of your report.

    A title page is not required in a standard MLA report. The title and other information go on the first page of your report.

    Sample of a bibliography page

    If you need to write a research paper, chances are you'll also be required to include a bibliography. Or you might be asked to include a works cited page or a list of references. These are all just different names for the same thing: a list of sources—such as books, articles, or even websites—that you used to research and write your paper. A bibliography makes it easy for someone else to see where you found your information. A short bibliography might look something like this:

    To do this, click the References tab, then select the desired style in the Citations & Bibliography group.

    The bibliography will appear at the end of your document. Your sources will already be formatted to match the selected style guide. You should still double-check each of your sources against your style guide to make sure they're correct. If you need a quick reference for MLA, APA, or Chicago formatting, we recommend the Purdue Online Writing Lab.

    A dialog box will appear. Enter the requested information for the source—like the author name, title, and publication details—then click OK.

    How to Create a Bibliography or Works Cited Page in Word

    Sample of a bibliography page

    The citation will appear in the document, and the source will be saved. You can quickly add another citation for the source by clicking Insert Citation and selecting the source from the drop-down menu.

    Time for the easy part! Once you've added all of your sources, you can create your bibliography in just a few clicks! Just select the Bibliography command, then choose the desired style.

    If you add more sources to your document, you can easily update your bibliography—just click it and select Update Citations and Bibliography.

    Sample of a bibliography page

    However, there are a number of ways of doing it that are given below:

    For a Private Organization Report Published on its Official Website:

    • The author’s last name is followed by a comma and the author’s first name
    • Avoid using initials of the author’s name and spell the whole name, however, add the initials if they are used by the author himself
    • The author’s name is the very first element of a reference. If there is no author’s name then add the editor’s name and if both the editor and author’s names are missing, start the reference with the title of the book or article that you are citing
    • The titles of the books and periodicals should be italicized
    • The titles of the articles and chapters should be added with the quotation marks
    • Each word in the reference should be capitalized, excluding the prepositions and conjunctions

    For the Articles and Chapters from an Edited Book or Collection:

    What is the APSA Citation Style?

    Still if you need help to understand how this distinct citation style works then is just a click away. We are a professional writing service that works with students of different academic levels and provides relevant and accessible essay writing service to them.

    U.S. Department of State. 1963. Nuclear Weapons Test Ban, 5 August. TIAS no. 5433. U.S. Treaties and Other International Agreements, vol. 14, pt. 3.

    The cover or title page is the first section of any essay. It includes information like the full name of the student, the title of the paper, the name of the subject, and the deadline of the paper. Sometimes, teachers ask the students to add their contact details like their email address or contact number also, in case they need to talk about something.

    Sample of a bibliography page

    Ballek, Barry J. “When the Ends Justify the Means: Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 22, no. 4 (Fall 1992): 679-696.

    1 David Kirkpatrick and Mavy El Sheikh, “In Egypt, a Chasm Grows between Young and Old,” New York Times, February 17, 2014.

    Creator last name, first name. Title of Map. Type of media (map, graph, chart). City of publication: Person/group who created the map, year published. Name of site or organization publishing the image. URL.

    *For more information on conducting interviews please visit our Guidelines for Conducting Interviews for NHD Projects resource.

    Academic Journal Articles Footnote Examples

    Sample of a bibliography page

    1 “Magna Carta,” The Avalon Project, Yale Law School, last modified 2008, accessed January 3, 2013,

    1 Ronald Reagan, “Farewell Address to the Nation, January 11, 1989,” Ronald Reagan Papers, Ronald Reagan Library, Simi Valley, CA.

    Johnson, Lyndon B. “Inaugural Address.” Speech, January 20, 1965. Video file, 13:45. American Presidency Project, University of California, Santa Barbara.

    Kirkpatrick, David and Mavy El Sheikh. “In Egypt, a Chasm Grows between Young and Old.” New York Times, February 17, 2014.

    Sample of a bibliography page

    Titles follow the name of the author and are written in title capitalization form.

    Zhai, Xiaojuan, and Jingjing Wang. "Improving Relations Between Users and Libraries: A Survey of Chinese Academic Libraries." The Electronic Library, vol. 34, no. 4, 2016, pp. 597-616. ProQuest Research Library,

    The most basic entry for a newspaper consists of the author name(s), article title, newspaper name, publication date, page numbers, and sometimes a URL, if found online. Volume numbers, issue numbers, and the names of publishers are omitted from newspaper citations.

    • Three or more authors: place all three names in the in-text citation. It's also acceptable to use the phrase, "and others," or another cohesive term. For parenthetical citations, use the abbreviation et al.

    Full Citation Basics:

    Sample of a bibliography page

    End the citation with the URL. Remove http:// and https:// from the beginning of the citation. End the entire citation with a period.

    If your book is not a first edition, you should note this in the citation. If the book is a revised edition or an edition that includes substantial new content, include the number, name, or year of the edition and the abbreviation "ed." after the book title. "Revised edition" should be abbreviated as "Revised ed." and "Abridged edition" should be "Abridged ed." The edition can usually be found on the title page, as well as on the copyright page, along with the edition's date.

    Author's Last name, First name. "Title of Source." Title of Container, other contributors, version, numbers, publisher, publication date, location.


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