Dissertation Outline Writing Guide, dissertation outline sample.

Dissertation outline sample

Since dissertation represents one of most challenging and time-consuming tasks, dissertation outline becomes an integral element that helps identify structure and strategic research goals. The task also includes writing dissertation thesis, which is an obligatory stage in every student´s postgraduate studies. Before one starts with creation of scientific masterpiece, it is necessary to develop an accurate plan for making inquiry clear and well-structured. In order to help you with essential steps that should be taken, we created dissertation proposal outline guide, including essay outline templates online and general rules.

An outline should represent a guide that specifies what tasks have to be fulfilled in order to achieve academic goals. It aims to determine what ideas and concepts are obligatory for addition to one's paper. In the sections below, you will find brief explanation of what is expected in excellent dissertation paper outline and how to organize it correctly. EduBirdie has "write my dissertation for me" services, your work will be the perfect one!

Different university professors in the United States may follow different dissertation structure outline, yet in majority of cases common structure consists of five sections like in general scientific paper, consisting of intro, detailed literature review, methodology, analysis of presented data, and conclusion paragraph. Before we proceed with dissertation chapters, let us review several writing tips and things to check before starting!

  • Intro
  • Research Design
  • Research Hypotheses & Question
  • Setting/Sample & Population
  • Participants/Instrumentation
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis
  • Concluding section

What is an Outline: Definition and Purpose

Dissertation outline sample

In this case, it follows research design with problem description, problem questions, and hypotheses made. What makes it different are provided samples and population statistics related to methodology. Moreover, it has to include instrumentation used for accurate collection of data. It ends with their analysis.

  • Intro
  • Description of literature search
  • Framework
  • Review of Literature

As name suggests, dissertation chapter 2 has all implemented literature described, listed, investigated, and studied in depth. One has to provide conceptual and/or theoretical framework to justify use of provided materials. Depending on topic variables, one should enclose detailed review of sources involved.

Dissertation outline sample

A good planning always requires structuring a dissertation report.Presenting it well narrating what the research is going to solve ?should be simple and structured well, that is why a good Dissertation Outline Template always requires to makes things easy.

Here are the basic structure and template of a proper dissertation research project outline.

The abstract is the shortest part of your dissertation research. it should tell why you did the research? How did you do? what will others learn? etc.

the appendix gives meaning to a certain point, and these can be seen by the readers if they don’t understand anything in the dissertation project.

Dissertation Proposal Outline Template Word Doc

Dissertation outline sample

Explain the current state of the research here. If anything, more needed find it and solve it. few other things you may include the practice of the context, methodological context.

This section should be nicely structured, and you should include all the references.

The introduction is where people will get a basic idea of your dissertation, you should be completely sure, how are you going to introduce the topic to the readers.

Dissertation outline sample

Start working with the first chapter i.e., the introduction. This should talk about your topic, provide background information, state your research aims and objectives, and research questions. Check our dissertation outline samples to understand in detail the required sections of the various sections of an outline.

The research topic you choose should be such that it interests you and helps you research a real-world problem. To get some ideas about your possible dissertation topic, you can get help from our dissertation experts. They will suggest several topics you can choose a suitable one for your dissertation.

Use our dissertation outline samples If you need guidance regarding these tools and instruments. Lastly, do not forget to add a reference list to your outline. You will be using a variety of sources to conduct your research

When selecting and finalizing a topic for your dissertation, make sure there is sufficient existing literature and research to back up your study. Secondly, the topic you choose should solve a current problem or covers an existing literature gap. Finally, the chosen topic should be interesting to keep you motivated throughout the process. Once you’ve finalised your topic, you will have to submit it to your tutor for approval.

Writing a Dissertation Outline

Dissertation outline sample

A dissertation is the last and the most important task required to complete towards the end of your degree program. It requires you to conduct your independent and original research on a topic approved by your tutor. A dissertation consists of five chapters – introduction, literature review, methodology, discussion, and conclusion. This is the standard structure of a dissertation unless stated otherwise by your tutor or institution.

The third section of a dissertation outline is the research methodology. This chapter talks about the research method that you intend to undertake to complete your study. Be clear and provide a rationale to justify the research method that you’ve chosen. Additionally, specify the research tools and instruments that you plan to use.

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After receiving approval on your dissertation topic, you will have to start working on your dissertation outline. This outline should be thorough and include a summary of all the essential elements of a dissertation. This will help readers get an idea of what the study intends to achieve and how the research will be carried out.

Dissertation outline sample

Answers the question: What methods have you chosen for the research and why are they suitable for this study?

Your thesis proposal outline is something you need to do before you start your research in earnest. It needs to be approved by your graduate advisor as it will guide your study for the next several months. However, the paradox about creating a proposal outline is that you likely don’t have a well-developed plan and should actually conduct a little background research before trying to put one together. After you receive this approval, you can get to work, and after you’ve accumulated tons of notes including quotations, paraphrases, questions, responses, data, and more, you will be ready to create the thesis outline.

This thesis paper outline lays the foundation for the entire assignment. While you may find very slight differences and may even need to adhere to specific departmental guidelines, the thesis outline example we provide here should help to organize your capstone project in most disciplines.

A thesis outline is a detailed description of the major parts of your thesis – from introduction, literature overview, thesis problem and methodology to the results, discussion, and conclusion sections.

A Thesis and Outline Should Be Mirror Images

Dissertation outline sample

Creating a thesis outline is difficult, but it’s a challenge you can overcome when you seek out professional assistance. We can provide you with a custom template for your thesis statement and outline. We can also help you to write, revise, edit, and proofread your work anytime throughout the year. We know that the importance of earning a master’s degree and we ensure that our experts are always ready to go the extra mile to give the highest-quality support that you will find anywhere on the internet. Give us a call to discuss your project and unique needs, we’re glad to work within your budget and will always exceed expectations.

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  1. General Introduction of the Research Study
  2. Research Problem or Questions with Sub-Questions
  3. Reasons or Needs for the Research Study
  4. Definition and Explanation of Key Terminology
  5. Context of Research Study within the Greater Discipline (Area of Study)
  • Chapter 2: Hypothesis (Theory)
  1. Brief Overview of Theoretical Foundations Utilized in the Study
  2. Brief Overview of Literature Reviewed, Discussed and Applied
  3. Study Model and Process Aligning with Literature Reviewed
  4. Hypotheses and Justifications Tied to Prior Sections or Statements
  5. The Scope of Your Study with Theoretical Assumptions and Limitations
  • Chapter 3: Methods
  1. Introduction and General Description Study Method and Study Design
  2. In-Depth Description of the Study Design (Study Materials to Be Used)
  3. Explanation of Sample to Be Used in the Study
  4. Explanation of Measurements, Definitions, Indexes, etc. and Reliability and Validity of Study Method and Study Design
  5. Description of Analytical Techniques to Be Applied and Justification for Them
  6. Reliability and Validity of Internal/External Design and Related Subtypes
  7. Assumptions of Study Method and Study Design with Implied Limitations
  • Chapter 4: Findings
  1. Brief Overview of Material
  2. Findings (Results) of the Method of Study and Any Unplanned or Unexpected Situations that Occurred
  3. Brief Descriptive Analysis
  4. Reliability and Validity of the Analysis
  5. Explanation of the Hypothesis and Precise and Exact Data (Do Not Give Your Opinion)
  • Chapter 5: Discussion
  1. Brief Overview of Material
  2. Full Discussion of Findings (Results) and Implications
  3. Full Discussion of Research Analysis of Findings
  4. Full Discussion of Hypothesis and of Findings
  5. Post Analysis and Implications of Hypothesis and of Findings
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion
  1. Summary of Academic Study
  2. Reference to Literature Review
  3. Implications of Academic Study
  4. Limitations of the Theory or Method of Research
  5. Recommendations or Suggestions of Future Academic Study
  • Chapter 7: Bibliography
  1. Complete List of all Sources Used Regardless of Citation or Inclusion

Introduction answers the question: Which problem area this thesis is about to address?

Dissertation outline sample

There are some tips and tricks that you need to follow if you want to make an outline to get the job done for you. Some of the essential most tips are given below

To make your dissertation authentic and worth reading, continue your conclusion with the discussion of the thesis. Make sure to provide suggestions that can make something good to the topic.

The basic purpose of the dissertation is to keep the students focused on the proposed topic. This is done to make sure students waste no time whatsoever without introducing new ideas. As far as student life is concerned with postgraduates, thesis writing is all about collecting data and conducting relevant experiments. Students can take guidance from the previous papers, but they have to come up with something new and something special in their respective fields. An outline can make sure the students don’t get confused and don’t repeat the pieces of information again and again.

This could be varied according to the nature of your topic. As we have explained earlier, you can use either quantitative methodology or qualitative. In certain cases, a mixed approach could come handy. Start this analysis with a detailed overview, along with stating your strategy and plans.

Some useful tips for writing dissertation outline

One of the most time-consuming tasks is writing the outline for a dissertation. The framework for a dissertation can prove to be the structure for the whole dissertation. As far as postgraduate studies are concerned, students are bound and obliged to write the dissertations. Before starting to write dissertations, it is necessary to get to know about the rules and regulations and how to write a dissertation. As we know, you are looking for help related to the dissertation, and this guide will answer all your questions related to dissertations. This guide includes an outline guide and general rules of the outline.

This is a template from where you can get to know about the structure of your dissertation. Most of the dissertation got with this structure, but that may vary dissertation to dissertation. If you have assigned and bound to write a dissertation, this template is going to help you beyond your expectations.

It must be noted that a dissertation doesn’t have a specific or particular format and template. Every dissertation varies accordingly. In general, a dissertation must have 4-5 parts. In this guide, we’re going to let you know about the sections of a dissertation in detail. Following are the sections of a dissertation

Dissertation outline sample

The structure for writing a dissertation proposal may vary. It depends on the size of the paper, the course, and other specific requirements.

Research findings. This section helps you to show what information you already have and are going to use for your paper. Make sure you organize your findings list in accordance with the research objectives given in previous sections.

Students usually write such proposals before writing their dissertations, since your proposal is like a working first draft from which you can get valuable feedback from your advisor and others. Feedback from your advisor can help you avoid mistakes in your dissertation. It is better to fix these mistakes before you start writing your first chapter. If you notice them after the main sections of your dissertation are already written, it can be too late in the process to fix them.

Review of the Literature. In this section, you should provide a basic review of the literature and other data sources that you are going to use when writing your paper. Students often put the research description, framework, and review of research into the review of the literature section.

Quick Navigation

A dissertation proposal is an academic paper that is usually written to give readers more information about your dissertation. It lets the students, instructors, and other people find out what your dissertation will be about, what questions will be examined, what the theoretical background will be, what your methodology will be, and how students and researchers will use its results.

For example, if you need to write a proposal for a dissertation on the computational model of the acquisition of intellectual expertise, then you have to start from the title and note the name of your university.

There are several parts that are used in dissertation proposals but the structure can be different. That is why you should not use the first structure you find from the Internet. Instead, you should choose a structure that works best for your paper. Make sure you have the main sections that help you show your paper’s basic points, the goals you are going to reach, the methods you are going to use, and sections like literature and bibliography.


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