
Write in the rain paper, write in the rain paper.

Write in the rain paper

Using a pencil or all-weather pen, Rite in the Rain ensures your notes survive the rigors of the field, regardless of the conditions. All-weather products include bound books, notebooks, loose leaf, printer paper, and all-weather pens. Custom printing is also available.

In spite of Rite in the Rain's durability, it’s as recyclable as standard office paper, which is untrue of synthetic plastic, poly-coated, or poly-bound papers. Simply recycle Rite in the Rain as you do other office paper. Furthermore, all our cover materials used on Rite in the Rain products (Polydura, Field-Flex, and Fabrikoid) are all recyclable using standard curbside recycling programs. For recycling Wire-O products, it’s recommended to separate the metal wire from the book prior to putting it all in the receptacle.

If failure occurs during normal use, please send us a written and photographic description of the failure to We'll check out what's wrong and respond with how we're going to make it Rite.

Unlike plain paper, Rite in the Rain won't turn to mush when exposed to:


For over 100 years, Rite in the Rain has been the All-Weather Paper solution for outdoor professionals worldwide.

Rite in the Rain Printer Paper is a wood-based all-weather paper. Recycle it with standard office paper. DuraCopy is a waterproof, tear resistant, high-temperature synthetic laser printer stock made for extreme conditions or underwater use. It can be recycled in any residential or commercial plastics recycling program that accepts this classification:

Photocopy or laser print your own all-weather forms, charts, maps, and worksheets on patented Rite in the Rain Printer Paper.

Write in the rain paper

It’s been a long time since I’ve last posted a video review. But this one just begged for it:

I wrote on both sheets of paper with pencil, which is already water resistant. But if you use a fountain pen, especially with normal, water-soluble ink, the Rite in the Rain paper shouldn’t completely protect you from smearing when wet. Since the ink has soaked into the paper somewhat, it should perform better than the regular notebook paper, but still — I like to think pencil performs best under wet circumstances. Especially on a Rite in the Rain notepad.

When I was in college, I took a survey class and we had to use those Rite in the Rain pads. I still shudder to think of the way the paper coating felt! You should have posted a trigger warning. They did the job, though.

The rather more hydrophobic Rite in the Rain paper resisted the water, which beaded up on the surface of the paper. It took just as much effort to tear it as it does a dry piece of paper (even dry, Rite in the Rain is thicker and offers more resistance than most writing pad papers).

For the love of pencils

Write in the rain paper

Basically, I took the review page from my Rite in the Rain mechanical pencil review, and a page from one of my favorite notepads, the Ampad Retro Gold Fibre (available online or at Staples), and gave them a good soaking from the hose. Right away, the Ampad paper soaked up the water, became limp, and tore very easily.

Okay. I had a feeling of what would happen during the video, but actually seeing it was hilarious. Especially the seemingly gratuitous “second hosing.” All for science, right? I really enjoy your blog, even though I’m a mechanical pencil guy myself, favoring lead sizes 0.9mm up to 1.3mm.

Thanks to my lovely partner, Katie, for running the camera and the garden hose!

Write in the rain paper

If the water cycle continues to fascinate you, you might build or buy a terrarium. A terrarium is small closed container containing plants and sometimes small animals. Water evaporates within the terrarium, but condenses on the lid, making the terrarium self-watering.

  • Hot plate
  • Two identical chairs
  • Thick book
  • Metal tray (a metal ice cube tray would be perfect)
  • Thick oven hot mitt
  • Cup
  • 12 or more ice cubes

How can the processes of cloud and rain making be recreated in the kitchen?

Some of the liquid water that you heated in Making Clouds evaporated, or changed from a liquid to an invisible gas called water vapor. The ice cooled the water vapor so that it turned into tiny water droplets, but since the tiny droplets were so small, they remained floating in the air, forming a cloud.


Write in the rain paper

If you leave of cup of water on a sunny table outside, the water disappears in a couple days. Where does it go? When water “disappears,” how does it get back to us? Learn how to make a water cycle model in order to find out! provides the Science Fair Project Ideas for informational purposes only. does not make any guarantee or representation regarding the Science Fair Project Ideas and is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage, directly or indirectly, caused by your use of such information. By accessing the Science Fair Project Ideas, you waive and renounce any claims against that arise thereof. In addition, your access to's website and Science Fair Project Ideas is covered by's Privacy Policy and site Terms of Use, which include limitations on's liability.

In our first experiment, a cloud should have formed between the ice and hot water. In Making Rain, the steam boiling from the beaker should have condensed, or changed back to liquid when it makes contact with the cold metal tray. The tilt helps the newly formed water dribble into the cup.

  1. Boil some water on the stove or microwave.
  2. Let cool 30 seconds.
  3. Ask your grown-up to measure two tablespoons of water into your narrow mouthed bottle.
  4. Quickly put the ice cube at the mouth of the bottle
  5. Watch what happens!

Write in the rain paper

Water Pollution Problem Research Papers delve into an example of an order placed on giving a description of the problem and how it started.

Environment Issue Research Paper discusses an order placed on global warming and the specifics on how to organize the project.

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Even unpolluted rain, with an average pH of 5.6, is slightly acidic (pH of 7 being neutral). However, the earth can neutralize (buffer) the slight acidic qualities of normal rainfall through alkaline chemicals found in rocks and soil. Rain that has become increasingly acidic, through atmospheric pollutants, places a strain upon the earth’s pH buffering system. After years of exposure to acid rain, the buffering system and natural ecological balance breaks down causing acidic problems in the soil and water and, inevitably, all forms of life that depend upon the earth’s soil and water.

The Effects of Acid Rain

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This page is designed to show you how to write a research project on the topic you see here. Learn from our sample or order a custom written research paper from Paper Masters.

Further exacerbating the problem of acid rain is the fact that, unlike other environmental problems. As a result pollutants rising into the skies of East Germany are carried at the whim of prevailing winds to Czechoslovakia. Current research suggests that the United States also plays a role in this system, as 50 percent of all acid rain that falls in Canada was produced in the U.S. Because of the pollutants ability to travel long distances, often times the areas that produce the pollutants are not affected by the end product.

One main aspect of acid rain is its tendency to travel. Sulfuric and nitric acids, emitted from factories and automobiles, born up into the air, caught and absorbed by the atmospheric water, is then carried by the wind.В

Write in the rain paper

Craft Paper Punches: Young children love using craft punches to make many different shapes. They enjoy gluing these shapes to paper and drawing and writing about them.

Alphabet Ink Stamps Keep your alphabet stamps organized by storing them in ice cube trays. Write a letter in each empty space using a permanent marker and the students can match the stamps to the correct space. The students enjoy stamping their names, names of their friends, or words with the ink stamps.

Here are some of the materials young children enjoy using in this center so you can get ideas for setting up your own writing center.

Pasting Pieces: These alphabet pasting pieces are always huge hit in my classroom. The students like to glue the letters to paper and spell their names and the names of their friends or even words.

The Best Writing Tools

Write in the rain paper

That’s it, easy peasy! I also found something similar to the magnetic bins online HERE and HERE.

Do you have a small classroom? It can be a real challenge to find space for this center in a small classroom. If you don’t have room for it, you don’t need to get rid of this center entirely. Check out my new vertical writing center above!

Paper: Students have several different types of paper to choose from. Regular white copy paper, half sheets of copy paper, and half sheets of construction paper so they can make covers for their books. You can read more about this sturdy paper organizer here.

Write in the rain paper

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Write in the rain paper

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